Doctors are the busiest professional today, however alternative medicine is getting its due recognition and patients are ready to look at alternative medicine before going to hospitals.
The challenges are at the level, and correct diagnosis is leading the issues reported, however everybody needs to understand that doctor is not Astrologist or God who will read your mind or horoscope and decide course of treatment.
Every medical practitioner is completely dependent on patient’s feedback or symptoms experienced, these inputs along with their knowledge or wisdom & medical tests and report will allow them to prescribe correct medicine. Few of the professionals are capable while some find it difficult to reach the conclusion systematically probable due to improper inputs from patient or their ability to fetch the correct information.
I wish to introduce a path breaking systematic approach to homeopathy medicine diagnosis and treatment support tool on the site ABC Homeopathy
I personally believe in this tool and its capability and would request all homeopaths to evaluate this wonderful piece of software and put it to your use on daily basis, possibilities cannot be denied that few of you are aware about it and might be using it regularly.
Best regards