Dear All,
Attached please find UGC 2014 mandate for your action, download the file, you will find the mandatory resources list, you are expected to offer your suggestion.
Good luck
How to Order Guide for Elsevier:
Order guide please right click on the link and download the link.
Best regards
Dear all,
AICTE has announced 2013-14 policies for ersources in their handbook, to download the handbook click on the link below, look at page no 134 onwards for more details:
AICTE - Handbook - E-resournces 2013-14
The orders can now be processed using following method:
For Elsevier resources:
For Wiley resources:
How would these sites work: on going to the link: Form will open, select the resource of your choice, complete the form, select the vendor, and complete the form, once your complete the process the selected vendor would be intimated and would be asked to send the invoice. Payment terms are Advance payment, GOC conversion, prices offered are negotiated by the team at AICTE therefore no further discounts would be possible.
For Emerald, EBSCO, Gale you may contact Globe Publications P Ltd, their website is
Attached please find UGC 2014 mandate for your action, download the file, you will find the mandatory resources list, you are expected to offer your suggestion.
Good luck
How to Order Guide for Elsevier:
Order guide please right click on the link and download the link.
Best regards
Dear all,
AICTE has announced 2013-14 policies for ersources in their handbook, to download the handbook click on the link below, look at page no 134 onwards for more details:
AICTE - Handbook - E-resournces 2013-14
Good luck and best regards
The orders can now be processed using following method:
For Elsevier resources:
For Wiley resources:
How would these sites work: on going to the link: Form will open, select the resource of your choice, complete the form, select the vendor, and complete the form, once your complete the process the selected vendor would be intimated and would be asked to send the invoice. Payment terms are Advance payment, GOC conversion, prices offered are negotiated by the team at AICTE therefore no further discounts would be possible.
For Emerald, EBSCO, Gale you may contact Globe Publications P Ltd, their website is
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